ANTA02H3 Lecture Notes - Fredrik Barth, Edmund Leach, Imagined Community

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Ethnicity, nation, race: ethnicity comes from the greek word ethnos, which means nation, nation is rooted in nature, race means a variety or type of origins. Increasingly difficult to differentiate ethnic group: ethnicity in flux, ethnicity and boundary formation, national tradition, politics of national identity, components of nationalism, binary vs. segmentary, race, classification for race: usa, classification for race: canada, race in andean peru. Ethnicity: primordial attachments, ethnicity as essence of identity, we tend to think of ethnicity of attachments and essence of food and non- Ethnicity in flux ethnicity is actually fluid and is made up and can be remade, often chosen identification (people choose to identify with their ethnicity) I t"s context dependent as well: gumlao egalitarian, acephalous groups (didn"t have permanent leaders, didn"t establish the kings, chiefs, etc. , gumsa ranked lineages, hereditary chieftainships (represent a more stratified society than the gumlao.