BIOA02H3 Lecture : lecture 3

BIOA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Life like all other matter is identified similar to all other elements on the periodic table. 6 highlighted elements represent 98% of what life is made off. Minerals are required to function along with vitamins. Radioisotopes are result of an incline or decline in neutrons. Exciting electrons causes the use of energy, atom holds it, otherwise would be lost, but in this case the energy falls back into a stable orbit. A molecule is a substance consisting of 2 or more atoms bonding together through ha chemical reaction, or it can also be oxygen, o+o=molecule. Sodium and chloride alone are known to be toxic, but together produce sodium chloride which is non-toxic. Covalent bonds are the strongest seen within biology. Larger the element, towards the bottom of the periodsic table you get a lower electronegativity, as well as leftright. Most important electronegative element on the periodic table is oxygen.