BIOC50H3 Lecture : lecture note 15 for BGYB50

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19 Jul 2010

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Despite what politicians and economists would like you to believe, unbridled growth is not possible all growth in nature has its limits! Both irruptive and oscillatory growth are common among bacteria and viruses, but also occur in mammals (e. g. snowshoe hare and canadian lynx) ), while the latter is observed in populations with overlapping generations (e. g. scotch pine colonization after the last ice age in europe, collared doves introduced to. Britain; by definition, the e function can only be used to model continuous growth!) Each environment imposes different limits upon natural population increase: this is known as the carrying capacity (k) of each environment, i. e. the maximal sustainable number of individuals of a population in that environment www. notesolution. com. The combination of limiting factors (space, food supply, oxygen or carbon dioxide concentration, water availability, number of predators etc. ) is referred to as environmental resistance.