ENGA10H3 Lecture Notes - Polytheism
Document Summary
Movement from polytheism to monotheism was a consolidation. Polytheism when one god was upset you can pray to another; you could offend and please gods; not possible for one god to undo what another god has done. Monotheism the great chain of being (hierarchical complementarity) god, the golden chain (earth hangs from heaven by), etc. The chain is built because all the parts correspond to each other. A break in the chain affects the whole. However science continues to be refined you begin to see everything as what your catergories. The order you impose is the order you depend on the modern self predicted. Everything must be this or that, must have a spot. Powerful but limiting to a hammer everything looks like a nail rigid modality. Hierarchical complimentary removes emotional to expose the objective. Dorian if so many things have changed in emotion, so much more is in the object.