ENGC39H3 Lecture 11: Lecture 11
Document Summary
digressions slow hallmarks of stern"s writing. travel narrative (?: travel genre popular in 18th century. Stern spoofed something people were already familiar with. form digression time exchange (of feeling) mediary of paper money requires faith of the money currency: it"s a piece of paper worth something. exchange of feeling a connection between people: financial exchange, sexual exchange. true sentiment threatened by sexual passion and self-interest: stern"s concern. lofty version of sentiment is hard to find? www. notesolution. com. yorich grinding moral force practicing divinity: idea that good works (charity is the point of christianism. morally ambiguous nature: double-entendre turned it smutty, anthologize noteworthy books (quotes) of the era. sentimental journey that focused on feeling and pushed story to the side story gives way to episode. tristem shandy and sentimental journey double entendre.