GASA02H3 Lecture : You're welcome
Document Summary
People refer back to this text to look at other society structure: ranking on a purity pollution scale, into many castes. Hereditary groups are distinguished from one another and connected together by three characteristics: ranking in four orders of power, brahmin (priest/scholar, ksatriya (king/warrior, raisya (merchant/farmer, sudra (servant) Plus those below the ranking once termed untouchables". Can be related to pollution scale too, but mainly a power element. Appearance is important because it is the most obvious thing. Reading 5. 2 hair and clothing in south asia. Groomed success in many things, such as household. Unkempt leaving household life to pursue other things. Ar rival of european clothing to south asia. half-way measures part time or combination: manufacture of fabric. Imported machine spun cloth: manufacture of garment. prior to european contact, south asian clothing have minimal stitching. hindu context, unstitched means less permeable to pollution. late 19th century, stitched clothing means sophistication.