GGRA03H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Urban Geography, Safe Havens, Social Polarization
Document Summary
Lec 10: march 15, 2016 socio-spaial polarizaion and environmental racism. Spaial soring of populaion occurs by a range of diferent processes, by varied criteria. Wealth, race and ethnicity, religion, occupaion, age, sexual preference, Wealth is a major factor that sorts people into diferent places, as the rich choose the best places. Spaial soring is coninuous to live, and bid up prices, making those locaions too costly for the poor. Toronto has seen a dramaic soring of populaion into rich areas and poor areas over the last 40 years. City space is spaially difereniated: housing markets, accessibility, amenity. A key urban process, and a major focus of urban geography research is the soring of people into diferent parts of the city. Diferent soring processes: by wealth, race and ethnicity, religion, occupaion, age, sexual preference. One of the most powerful soring process in our society is by markets. High amenity areas are more expensive to live in.