GGRA03H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Urban Revolution, Demographic Transition, Quality Of Life
Document Summary
Urbanization patterns in the next 40 years will be critical to the long-run sustainability and livability of the planet. World population to grow over 3 billion from 3. 29 billion in 2007 to 6. 4 billion in 2050. 93% of the growth will be in developing countries in the global south. All of the growth will be in cities. By 2050-60, the urban transition will be largely completed. 70% of the global population will live in cities and the period of major urban growth and development will be finished. What will we build: the next 40 years therefore present a crucial opportunity: Global urban revolution: new pattern of urbanization, very different from that in developed countries, characteristics: Increased role of service sector, especially advanced producer services, decline of agriculture. Very weak governance, little public infrastructure, services. Trading, peddling, recycling, street food, parking, porters, begging, prostitution. Key concept 5: toronto is a typical, but slightly more successful than average city in 20th.