HISB31H3 Lecture : Lecture 5

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3 Nov 2010

Document Summary

Rice (south carolina) sugar cotton ( cotton gin 1790s - no conflict to stop the industrial revolution) slavery (expanded/profit) from 1776 (founding of united states) --- 1861 (date of civil war) Began in 1619, by 1776 - 1/6 of population were slaves. North controlled trade - imported and distributed them to the south [controlled in terms of profit, not product] - north had little effect, as more industrialized - south was rural. Industry was there, then the governance to the state came later. * by 1861, supply of 90% european cotton = 50% of us exports. When abolished, south lagged behind - compromises of 1850 (fugitive slave law) between. those who fled from the south to the north would be given back. * 95% of blacks in the south = 1/3 of the total southern population. * 5% of blacks in the north = 1% of the total northern population.

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