HISB31H3 Lecture 8: Lecture 8

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19 Nov 2011

Document Summary

Jan 28: austria was a necessary ally for germany because of its location and multiculturalism, african concerns were no concerns of germany. It was good for germany that britain and france to fight over coloniliams because it meant that they would be on opposing sides. Mistake of peace terms, bismarck: there were three wars of unification, germany crushed austria and france, austria was an ally and france was not, bismarck repaired and forestall humiliation of austria unlike the french. Stefano: 1879: dual alliance, germany tried to pull italy in, this was also the ww1 alliance before italy changed sides, they are called the central powers because all three are located in the middle of. Europe: 1887: reinsurance treaty (secret treaty between g and r, germany says that when there is another conflict between russia and germany, this treaty was purposely leaked in the media to warn austria.

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