HLTB15H3 Lecture 6: Lecture 6 - Part II
Document Summary
Perceived health status with age, education, occupation, : multi-variate perceived health as the dependent variable. Problems and limitations: problems - relating to logistical details. E. g. availability of data, securing permission from ethics board, obtaining the sample, etc Limitations - to structural problems relating to methodological aspects of the study. Study design / sampling / measurement procedures used are not the best but adoption was necessary for a number of reasons. Independent variable: hypothesis, operationalisation, variable, dependent variable, theory, conceptual framework, models, diagrammatic models, simulation models, decision analysis models. ratio: parametric statistics, non-parametric statistics, analysis of nominal data. Frequency distributions www. notesolution. com: analysis of ordinal data. kendall"s tau: analysis of interval data. product moment correlation coefficients: reliability reproducibility, consistency, homogeneity, free from random error. Test-retest to examine reproducibility of the responses to the scale. Validity - internal validity, external validity: sensitivity proportion of actual cases who score as positive cases, specificity proportion of non-cases who test negative.