HLTD04H3 Lecture Notes - Health Promotion, Participaction, Consumerism

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17 Apr 2014

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Hltb17 notes week 11: we all occupy different social locations. (why is someone unhealthy, there are different dynamics that affect our health and how we experience health. Social location) and illness: health differences produced by overlapping inequalities. Health promotion is the strategy to try and make people healthier. Participaction: longest running health promotion campaign in the world. Try to encourage physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, but they don"t work. There is a link between individual health consciousness and. So government people try to increase people"s awareness of perventive health behaviours healthy lifestyles the assumption is that the education will lead to better choices, which will lead to better health overall. Provide them with the right information to educate them, and new health campaigns focus on health knowledge and education. People are the cause and solution of their health leads to blaming people. This takes pressure off the government you"re sick because of your own bad lifestyle choices.

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