SOCIOL 3HH3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Health Promotion, Salutogenesis, Intersectionality
Document Summary
Intersecional analysis = mixed-methods research to study factors interacing across macro/micro levels of social analysis based upon the realizaion that each of us occupies diferent social locaions and has varying life chances. Roots of health inequaliies are many, interconnected and complex. Sources of inequality (ses, gender, ethnicity, age) overlap = muliple jeopardy for poor health outcomes: micro & macro s, we all have diferent experiences and they need to be taken into account when talking about health. The promoion of healthy lifestyles = oicial & highly visible public policy. Gov"t or state sponsored: a poor diet can increase your chances of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and complicaions arising from obesity. Is there such a thing as healthy lifestyle: do we all have equal opportuniies and resources necessary for a healthy lifestyle, health campaigns make people aware of their bad habits.