IDSB04H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Age Adjustment, Health Equity, International Health Regulations
Document Summary
Week 4/chapter 5 data on health: what do we know, what do we need to know, and. Table 5- 1 some uses and limitations of population health data. Figure 5- 1 additional information to be included in routine data collection to enable measurement of health inequities and societal determinants of health. Figure 5- 2 age pyramids for populations of three countries, 2015. Figure 5- 3 population size estimates with and without the effect of aids, southern africa, 2015. Table 5- 3 some topics recommended by the un world. Population and housing census programme and various national. Census agencies for inclusion in a national population census. Table 5- 4 some personal/ social and administrative uses of. Table 5- 5 major subdivisions of the international classification of diseases, tenth revision, 1994. Figure 5- 4 international form of medical certificate of cause of death. Table 5- 6 countries with highest and lowest infant mortality rates (imr) and corresponding neonatal mortality rates (nmr), 2015.