MGTA01H3 Lecture : Chapter 1A Lecture
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MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
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Business and exchanges the economic system. That provides goods and services, or both. With the expectation of increasing value for the owners of the business, usually in. In exchange for money from clients the form of profits. but clients do not pay for the services directly. renting property, lending interest or collecting royalties. Increase in value to owners, but not from commercial activity. Supplies goods and services, engaging in commercial exchanges. Gets paid from clients in exchange for receiving the goods and services. The exchanges generate increased value for the owners of the business, usually in the form of profits. Of the success of economic exchanges www. notesolution. com. Profit is more than a measure of economic success. Profit becomes a goal the business run for profit: the purpose of the business becomes more than the supply of a good or service, the purpose of the business becomes making profits.