PHLB09H3 Lecture 4: Lecture 4 notes
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Lecture 4: rights of the mother, a defence for abortion. Rights of the fetus and what they amount to and the mother"s rights. Duty versus decency: limits of rights of fetus. Cant make any exceptions for rape, threat to mothers life. rape- just because fetus is product of rape doesn"t mean the fetus" rights to life have diminished. Cant change someone"s rights just be they are a product of rape. If the fetus has rights to life, and if the fetus rights to life means you can"t kill the fetus, then the rights aren"t going to change just because the fets is a product of rape. threat to mothers life- fetus inadvertently threats mothers life, no the intention of the fetus to threaten mother"s life. You can"t make an exception in this case either (roman catholic view) Someone does pose a threat to your life but doesn"t justify killing the other.
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