POLC71H3 Lecture : Lecture 02 Notes

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4 Feb 2011

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Jan. 30th it"s cold; if he shivered from the cold people would think he was afraid: i must tell you that liberty and freedom consists in having government. [the people] having a share in the government, that is nothing appertaining unto them. A subject and a sovereign and two different things. In the early stages of democracy the monarchy was the executive function: we have a kingly element to our government, context, assumptions, analogies, removal, problems with people, sources, what kings do, burning books info sessions. They tried to persuade these people into switching their beliefs. The people have a duty to obey; the king rules through fear (we are by nature not free). Analogies: the three analogies of what is a king, the first is that they are like god (the bringer of life and giver of death). The king has the power to create, recognize people and create titles of nobility.

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