PSYA02H3 Lecture 10: Lecture 10
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Fail to recognize that object remains permanent even if it is hidden. Has the notion out of sight, out of existence . Growing ability to use symbol at age of two. Use word and object to represent something else. Pretend play, able to take a role symbolically. Tendency to view the world only from his perspective. Egocentrism- a notion that kid thinks the reality is only based on his perspective. When playing hide and seek, kid covers his eyes and believes that if i cannot see, then i cannot be seen . Conservation- unable to recognize a reciprocal relationship between width and height. Do not have reverse ability and unable to do reverse operation. Volume and mass does not change just because its superficial structure has changed. Unable to tell that the volume remains the same if a cup of water is poured into a bottle with higher height and narrower base. Recognize relationship of quantity, like height and width.