PSYB65H3 Lecture Notes - Temporal Lobe, Master Sergeant, Aphasia

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10 Apr 2013

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Language is almost exclusively on the left hemisphere of brain. Note: ambidextrous ppl are neurologically left handed and were probably forced to use right-hand. Most early research gathered from war survivors who were injured in only one side of brain (right or left) Prior to injury they were normal adults over age of 20. If bullet wound was in left hemisphere, 100% of patients showed some aphasic (language/speech) symptoms. But, about 30% of these show some recovery of language. Of these 30% (the ppl who shoed recovery), all were either left-handed or ambidextrous. Least amount of recovery was in right-handed ppl. Some language is in left hemisphere for all ppl. Right-handed ppl didn"t recover, therefore all language is in left hemisphere. Left-handed or ambidextrous ppl did recover somewhat therefore although there is language in left hemisphere, some language ability occurs in right hemisphere. If bullet wound was in right hemisphere, essentially none showed aphasic symptoms.

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