PSYB65H3 Lecture 9: detailed lecture 9 notes

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14 Dec 2010

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Historical perspectives: most of the brain lateralization information was gathered through wars (wwii, they realized that different brain damages caused different symptoms (some can"t speak etc, these information are all based on adults (soldiers). Research in brain damages in adults (ww2 soldiers): 100% of these patients show some aphasic symptoms (language problems). approximately 30% of these patients showed some sort of recoveries, and these were either. Left handed individuals or they"re ambidextrous (both-handed): the least amount of recovery was in the right handed patients, thus they concluded that left hemisphere is responsible for language. If you"re left handed, language is on both sides (thus if you get damaged on either sides of the brain, you will have some sort of language problems. However, the good part is that if one side of the brain is damaged, the other side can take over and slowly learn, thus might slowly recover).

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