PSYB65H3 Lecture 10: Lecture 10
Document Summary
The posterior portion deals with the primary motor strip. Anterior to the primary motor strip is the association cortex dealing with higher order function: planning, socially appropriate behaviour. One of the areas hit hardest is the frontal lobe in alzheimer"s. You don"t always get all of the symptoms for a disease because it is dependent on the size location of the tumor. You only find all the symptoms if the person was in a sever accident. What happens in individuals who have frontal lobe lobotomies (frontal lobe removed) Prefrontal area (anterior portion of the frontal lobe) Gall brought in the concept of phrenology (use the skull to determine personality). Based the distinction on individuals who had the characteristics. Gall thought the anterior portion of the frontal lobe had to be with intelligence. In 1930"s jacobsen decided that he was going to test phrenology theory in monkeys.