PSYC18H3 Lecture Notes - Sympathetic Nervous System, Supernormal Stimulus, Striatum
Document Summary
1872, charles darwin, published most important book on emotions yet the. Expression of the emotions in man and animals: darwin did not propose that emotions had function in our survival. In darwin"s eyes, our emotions link us to our past of our species and to our infancy: darwin argued for universality of expressions, darwin thought emotions have useful functions too. William james: the bodily approach: william james argued against commonsense idea that when we feel an emotion it impels us to certain kind of activity. James"s theory is really about nature of emotional experience: he stressed way in which emotions move us bodily, according to james, core of an emotion is pattern of bodily responses. www. notesolution. com. James stressed our experience of many emotions is set of changes of autonomic nervous system. James thought that changes from movement of muscles and joints were parts of felt bodily changes. James proposed that emotions give color and warmth to experience.