PSYD22H3 Lecture Notes - Confounding, Playtime, Rough Play

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6 Feb 2014

Document Summary

It is a process from birth to death. Acquiring knowledge means learning language, moral, values, reasoning etc. Clausen said there are different ways to look at socialization depending on the discipline you"re in . Person you"re dealing with is working at a rational level, making choices and active decisions and this person already has skills and knowledge that they are picking from; its about making plans, choosing a rational choice and weighing consequences. Emphasis on how specific child rearing practices has consequences on personalities. Psychology: much more at the micro level, how the parents influence the child and how is this outcome related to specific socialization processes. Less interested in where did society come from, but more about given that it is here, how do specific agents in society education and train the young. View of the child is much more irrational who suffers from outside influences or inside influences.

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