SOCC26H3 Lecture 2: Week 2 Lecture Note

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Association = was established to spread his ideas and undertake the building of potential garden city. In fact, it was built relatively quickly, it was created in 1903 and was called. Invested return on their capital will be kept at 5% Don mills, originally, the ideal was that it would provide employment, where people didn"t have to go to cities. I t was meant to put a limit to urban sprawl. If there was 30,000 population, the garden city was divided into 6 neighbourhoods with. I t was divided exactly in the same way into these smaller units, and each were supposed to have their own schools and things like that. Three magnets: the best of both worlds living in the city and rural area, each has its advantage and disadvantages. Living in the city: disadvantages: crowded, polluted, slums, advantages: cultural facilities within walking distance.

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