SOCC29H3 Lecture Notes - Demographic Transition, Israeli Jews, Assisted Reproductive Technology
Document Summary
Birth rates in arab world has be declining. In europe and america: decline in mortality, improvement in biomedical services and improvement in infrastructure and sanitation. As a result, the demographic transition begins in the developing world in 1950. Cultural and norm factors that caused people to aspire to have fewer children. They had a faster case of declining birth rates then did europe. Although the developing countries followed the west in moving from high to low fertility, the timing of the start of the demographic transition and its pace were different everywhere. Contrary to orientalist myths, the arab countries are not resistant to change and have undergone a transition. And arab countries are not a homogeneous block and they follow different fertility patterns. Not all of the non western countries are all the same. What happens when people don"t follow the classic patriarchy system .