SOCC29H3 Lecture Notes - Blue-Collar Worker, Endangerment, Nuclear Family

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6 Feb 2014

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Hoodfar: historical trends in urban womens labour force. Men and women"s bog worked in cottage industries and factories. It was hard to distinguish between the two. After british rule they discouraged factory working but encouraged the growing of cotton because of its textile industries back in the uk. Many women left the labour women and ceased to work. During the second phase of industrialization under abdel nasser, factory jobs went to men but not women. Because factories are father away from where people lived therefore it was hard for women to combine household jobs and factory jobs. Some urban women now participate in informal petty production or service provision in their neighborhoods. Those urban women with educations try to secure jobs in the formal civil service or in publicly owned companies. Hoodfar: urban women inseacrh of respect and security. If women had a choice they would be : housewives. Patriarchal risk is a main reason why they kept these jobs.

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