STAB22H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Binomial Coefficient, Probability Distribution, Standard Deviation

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Definition: a random variable is a variable whose value is a numerical outcome of a random phenomenon, so its values are determined by chance. X or y to represent a random variable, and x or y to represent a single outcome of the random variable. Examples: (1) toss a coin four times (an example of a discrete random variable). (2) suppose we are interested in the amount of time a customer spends on a. Mcdonald"s drive-thru (an example of a continuous random variable). Definition: a discrete random variable x has a finite number of possible values. The probability distribution of x lists the values and their probabilities: The probabilities must satisfy two requirements: for each . We find the probability of any event by adding the probabilities of the particular values that make up the event. Example: a university posts the grade distribution for its courses online.