VPHA46H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Beti-Pahuin Peoples, Terracotta Army, Chinese Art

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Vpha46h3 f ways of seeing: introduction to arts history | week 4. Office hours: hw 507a 15:30-19:30 monday, or by appointment. Image (and its historical background, period, style, etc. ) The main debate between ancient greek & rome and medieval arts is naturalism vs. Medieval artists have the capabilities to create natural and realistic figure. They just chose not to because of the cultural context: evolution of naturalism reflected in the ancient greek arts (slides page 7) This rule was discovered by ancient greek artists: ancient greek can be divided into 3 periods, archaic the developing period, classical the peak, hellenistic the declining period. In these two periods, artists always create young and healthy figures in sculptures. Artists started to create old, bounded, unhealthy figures. We can see scars and trace of blood on the sculptures. However, even if there are wounds on the body, the muscles are still in perfect condition.

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