ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Darwinism, Doctrine, Sexual Selection
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Ant100y1 outline for evolutionary anthropology lecture #1: introduction, evolution is everywhere and is happening right now in your hair and skin and etc. 8) carolus linnaeus (karl von linne, 1707-1778: 1st compressive classification system for living things, each living thing names separate species, on basis of physical resemblances, species grouped into broader categories called genera (singular genus) First letter of genus is capitalized like so; homo. Species designations always lower case, like so: sapiens. Off set text underline if handwritten or italicize when typing when writing homo sapiens: georges-louis leclerc, comte de buffon (1707-1788, earths history> 6000 years (ca 75000 years). Major issue with contemporary religious authorities: founded biogeography; despite similar environments, different regions have distinct plants and animals, jean-baptiste lamarck (1744-1829) If variety provides advantage to certain individuals then they may produce more offspring. These offspring inherit beneficial variation, so they produce more offspring, variation norm of population. Population may change, perhaps completely new and different species.