ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Evolutionary Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Conservation Biology
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Tutorial sign up commences on september 11th (deadline = september 24th) Textbook: introduction to evolutionary anthropology by shawn lehman (2nd ed. Holistic study of human beings (homo sapiens), past and present that draws and builds upons knowledge from the social sciences, biological sciences, humanities and the natural sciences. Relationship of archaeology to other disciples, such as social cultural anthropology. Types of archaeological data (i. e artifacts, ecofacts, sites) Interpretation (how do we understand what the artifacts mean?) Topic four: the earliest traces of human behaviour. From the earliest stone tools around 2. 5-3. 2 mya to the origin of modern homo sapiens. Topic five: origin and spread of modern humans. From o r common origin in africa o he people . Topic six: from food production to early states.