ANT100Y1 Lecture : ANT - L08 [Nov 04 2010]
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N . ,701:,3,88419003;74320393. 2,907,8,7014:3/347/0794 say something about the circumstances -. 9,92,907,. ,2094-09070 (paul bahn: circumstances natural and human agencies (1) data processing. [conservation: may or may not be necessary; depends on the artifact class, 938,70/:7,-0,3//43970,. 994. ,30839003;7432039, employed mostly for fragile things. Involves classification: process by which we assign items to categories (classes) in a pre-arranged system, rules determine whether an item belongs to a class. S rules determine the inclusiveness of each class. N typology is a popular method of classification and analysis: clas81. ,94341,791,. 989,908-,80/438420. 79074347. 7907, N were the artifact types we recognize today also recognized in the past: emic 38/078;041. :9:7090950,870. 430/-98 manufacturer as meaningful: etic 4:98/078;041. N typically, we distinguish between: artifacts made from: S plants (e. g. , baskets, wooden tools: ecofacts. S faunal remains animal bones not used as tools. S floral remains plant materials not used as tools (3) analysis (artifacts) N lithic tools: display evidence of reduction, subdivided into: N emerged with homo habilis some 2. 5 mya.