BIO120H1 Lecture : Bio lab 13 Feb 12 2010
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Measurment error reflects the discrepancy between our repeated measurment and the ture value of the object being measured. Precision j is the repeatability of the measurement. If a single measurement when repeated shows little little variation, it ahs high precision, if it shows great variation, it has low precision. Accurancy j is the tendency for the measured value to be close to, or apporximate, the true accepted value. Measurement contain three parts j unit, scale factor and significant figures. T 5 j before is even j unchange odd j roung up. Qualitative: such as hair colour, sex or something something are easy to group. Use a table or a figure to presenting data. Dependent variable plot on y-axis, and independent variable plot on x-axis. Line of best fit: a line which travels through the space pccupied by most of the points. Interpolation: line of best fit allow us to predict the data that is not one of the plot points.