BIO120H1 Lecture : Includes slides
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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Tree of life share similar things (dna, rna, proteins) Lecture 1 intro to cells & nucleic acids. Archaea (archaebacteria) characteristics of eubacteria & eucaryotes, grow in diverse places (thermal places, sewage pits, salt marshes, high acid, low places) o. Eucaryotes multicellular (vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, humans) or single-celled (protists) Single-celled (mostly exist as independent individuals, known to form colonies/communities: procaryotic cells. Nuclei (nucleic acids are separated by nuclear membrane) Very simple cell, not many specialized compartments. Plasma membrane serves as filter to separate inside from outside & mediate what diffuses in/out. Nucleiod nucleic acids that are not enclosed by any sort of membrane. Cell wall protects bacteria from outside. Ribosomes sites of protein synthesis & free-floating in cytosol. Much more complex & divided into many different types of specialized compartments. Much greater degree of complexity requires structural elements called cytoskeleton which mediate division of cell into specialized compartments, mediate shape cell can have, movements of cell towards things.