BIO120H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture
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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Effects of diet, x chromosome inactivation, and parental imprinting. Even with monozygotic twins, there are still subtle differences: differences may become more apparent as they age, especially in terms of health. heritable modifications/changes in gene function not due to changes in underlying baseline. changes in gene expression created by: dna methylation. results in repression of gene expression: covalent modification of histone. lead to repression or activation of transcription: recruitment of chromatin modelling complexes or specific variants of histones, non-coding rnas. Epigenetic and these mechanisms cause coat colour differences btw mice: agouti gene is pleiotrophic gene. Implicated in many traits, including coat colour, viability, obesity. Fat mice also prone to diabetes and cancer. retrotransposon inserted upstream of normal wildtype agouti promoter: retrotransposon has inserted its own cryptic promoter, mice with viable yellow alleles have constant expression of this.