BIO220H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Trophy Hunting, Atlantic Cod, Probability Distribution

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BIO220H1 Full Course Notes
BIO220H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Lecture 6 - ecology and evolution of harvested populations ii. If larger than x, it gets caught in the net. If smaller than x, it swims through the holes. Natural selection is expected to act against fish with bigger sizes. Mendelian traits: traits with discrete qualitative categories. E. g. eye colour, tongue rolling, ear loudness, blood group. Continuous distribution is observed in quantitative traits, but we cannot deduce genotype from those traits. Each gene has a very small individual effect on the phenotype. Influenced by environmental (e. g. nutritional status, body mass) P = g + e + g x e. Genetic + environment + genetic and environmental interaction. Cannot infer genotype of a given gene from phenotype. Examining the frequency of individual snps or alleles will not predict phenotypic values. A brief aside: medical relevance of quantitative traits. Just about every health outcome you care to think about is a quantitative trait.