BIO230H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Netrin, Organogenesis, Endoderm

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BIO230H1 Full Course Notes
BIO230H1 Full Course Notes
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Multicellular development is studied with a variety of model organisms: all these model systems have experimental advantages, we want to know how humans develop, and think about diseases that occur in human development. Through collaboration with human clinical researchers, we have advancement of biomedical research. Multicellular development creates different organisms and different organs within them: organs with an organism also develop, just like the organism. Surface of our skin is constantly shedding, losing skin: dust in houses is mainly composed of our dead skin. If these cells weren"t replaced, we"d lose our skin in a few weeks. Skin isn"t permanent, it"s constantly being renewed and turned over every few weeks. Adults can also initiate new developmental processes: e. g. , mammary gland epithelia. There are stem cells at the base of the tissue (red) that divide, providing new cells that differentiate into different cell types. Final cell type is programmed cell death and flake off as dead cells at the surface.