BCH210H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Adipose Tissue, Gsk-3, Exocytosis

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BCH210H1 Full Course Notes
BCH210H1 Full Course Notes
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Signalling pathways determine whether catabolic or anabolic pathways are active. Cannot have both on at the same time. Epinephrine/glucagon and insulin are competing peptide hormones (catabolism vs. anabolism). Epinephrine and glucagon is catabolic; insulin is anabolic. Glycogen can be used to store/supply glucose for later energy requirements. Mobilization and breakdown of fat stores can also supply large amounts of atp. Muscle response glycogen breakdown for energy production. Fat catabolism is also stimulated, (cid:1371) atp (if bound to fat cells) Epinephrine is based on tyrosine --> amino metabolism (left) Liver responds by breaking down its glycogen reserves to support blood glucose levels. Releases glucose for the rest of the body. Has alpha-helical content and is a peptide (29 aa long) Both of the above aim for glycogen but have different effects. Left: epinephrine which binds on ext of beta-adrenergic gpcr. Right: glucagon receptor is also a gpcr with 7tm segments.