CLA204H1 Lecture : chapter 4

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9 Jan 2011

Document Summary

The titans: hesiod names twelve titans; some more important than others, oceanus and tethys > oceanids (spirits of waters, hyperion and theia. Castration of uranus: youngest titan; cronus who was wily", uranus puts children born from gaia back into her; doesn"t allow them to emerge. from genitals = various divinities and forces; aphrodite: overthrow of older generation, rise to power of younger children, theme of overthrowing older gen through trickery. Birth of zeus: gaia + uranus = cronus, rhea; cronus + rhea = hestia, demeter, hera, hades, poseidon, Zeus: cronus swallows his children b/c told he"ll be overthrown by one, rhea gives birth on crete @ lyctus; hides zeus @ mt dicte/mt ida/mt aigaion. many ppl want to lay claim to myth b/c then their mountain would be connected to divine. cronus swallows rock dressed as a baby instead gods becoming progressively anthropomorphic; more like humans.

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