CLA233H1 Lecture : Plutarch, Life of Antonius
Document Summary
Plutarch writes so that we may learn form the past. Named julius caesar"s heir in 44bce and defeats antony in 31 bce. Title augustus in 27 bce and imperium for 10 years. Takes up arms against antonius , essentially pushes for power through until success. Serves with caesar in gaul and is recognized more. 48: commands one of the wings at the decisive battle of parsalus. 45: master of the horse and second in command to carsar the dicatator. Consul with caesar in 44: controls the dead caesar"s papers. What is found in them has the force of law. 42: defeat of brutus and cassius. show by forging documents. 35: refuses of meet ocravia. and in 34 bestwees territories upon cleopatra. 51 = ruler of egypt w. younger brother. 48: expelled by egyptians and then reinsated by caesar www. notesolution. com. 37: twins born to antony alexander sun and cleopatra moon.