CSB345H1 Lecture 8: Lecture notes for second half of lecture 8

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One of the approcahes is the move towards studying simpler animals. It"s based on assumption, simple animals evolved sleep for same reasons as complex animals. Sometimes its useful to take an approach that takes a global stance and try and come up wi th answers. Instead of taking specific hypothese, use drosophila, apply random approach to mutating them (sleep mutating) that might lead to chacs tha t might lead to fucntions of sleep. Genome sequced long time back s: easier to manipulate. Apply mutagenic subs, generate random mutations, study s leep beheaviour, look for unusual behaviour like ( qty of sleep etc), go ahead and study those, apply those to mammilian systems. And ultimately to dtr mine genetic mechs applicabale to human conditions. Immoblization may max eff for restoration of thing s, fat stores etc. It might be protective, might a www. notesolution. com nticipate over activity. Most predation occurs in awake animals rather than sleep.

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