GGR124H1 Lecture 3: URB012010
Document Summary
Surplus. (producing more than the subsistence level of goods - - - trade) You also need the presence of agglomeration economies arguments are commerce- related. Urban economy by virtue of locating in a city. The urban process is not something that is relatively recent; the first cities emerged between 4000 and 3500 bc mesopotamia (the fertile crescent) : good soil quality more efficient agriculture. [3000 bc nile 2500 bc indus 2000 bc yellow 200. Bc mexico/peru: early cities were small [2000 20,000 people], which they maintained in the first thousand years of their existence. The largest were ur (200,000) and thebes (225,000: the largest was rome close to one million by 2 ad. Not everyone could access it; elite- based, but essentially it was the centre of activity: north american cities have something of the sort around the central city hall , the next key phase: the middle period (5th-17th century ad)