GGR124H1 Lecture Notes - Planning Permission, Urban Planning
Document Summary
Urban governance: how things get managed or organized. Governance: ability to tax and generate other revenue. It involves ability to regulate (land, commerce, etc. : some methodology of solving social issues (health, housing, etc. , a way of managing, regulating, providing some kind of legal structure. In ontario, municipal act establishes municipalities: cities exist because of the provincial government. Role of government federal: no legal or legislative authority in regards to municipalities, municipalities are creatures of the province" www. notesolution. com. 2: but federal government is an important contributor towards quality of urban life. April 6, 2010: taxation and other fiscal policies, large-scale infrastructure provision (pearson air-port, immigration policy (where new migrants can settle) Role of government provincial: provinces set legal framework for municipalities, also responsible for health care, education, and many social services, direct or indirect (gas tax) provision of infrastructure, key role in municipal land-use, provincial planning act (1990)