HIS109Y1 Lecture : The Absolute State
Document Summary
Louis xiv (1643 1715: mazarin (b. Beginnings of the shift in the mind of europe. Working to make the royal masters absolute to the modern mind this sounds horrific: going beyond the law and creating the law. It is always to better to serve one master, at least the king only robbed you once and protected you from being robbed by other agencies. Central government as a protector from foreign intervention: nothing compares to armies fighting on your home soil, we are willing to make allowances in freedoms in exchange for safety. people come together & build a society. members: surrender individual rights to the ruler. rules: sovereign power protecting the weak from the strong. nothing remained which would curtain the rule of king. god was not an issue, hobbs materialist. once contract is struck, it remained forever. even if the king is inadequate, too bad, a bargain is a bargain.