HIS109Y1 Lecture : Darwinism

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Development of working class movement, unionism, etc. Political movements that challenge the basic position of the middle class. Targeted the comfortable position of middle class. Another challenge from the roots of the middle class ideology, science. Charles darwin and the origin of species. Cartesian and post- cartesian world, same with darwin. Darwin represents conclusion of the process that began a millennia ago. Role of science clear in the minds of europeans, going back to descartes, galileo, etc. 19th scientists proposed a new theory of what it is to be human. Science and technology opened up a new world. Science created into every corned of european mentality, defined the western mind. To reject science is to fly in the face of the most dominant ideology. Everything that made europeans, europeans in the 19th c was due to science and progress. Darwin cause traditional thinkers of europe discomfort.

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