HIS263Y1 Lecture 20: Lecture 20-November 24.docx

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British north ameirca was pushed toward confeseration by two conflicting impulses-a desire for sepation within the colonies of canada and a need for integration amongst british north american. Separation: break up of the union in canada"s. Differences with respect to language, religion, and education. Desire for separation-relating to the political dead lock amongst the house of assembly in canada-by the 1860"s continual cycle of elections. 1)defence issues-no railroad connections between maritime colonies and the ports. The lack of railway made relevant because of the defence issues-need for intercolonial railway. 2)settle the west in upper canada (desire to) would be blocked because of the house of assembly political dead lock. Exam what factors came toegther to make confed possible. 1864-gathering in charlottetown men from each colony came together to negotiate and draft a constitution. Serious of purposals to guide british law makers. Canada-gets created because a law is passed in britain.

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