HMB265H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture
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HMB265H1 Full Course Notes
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Changes in chromosome number leading to alterations in phenotype. gene mutations are sources of change, diff genotypes. genome can be remodelled by large scale chromosomal changes: many genes affected simultaneously, detected by molecular and genetic analysis, microscopy. Plant breeders often manipulate chromosome number to improve or enhance crops. Euploidy organisms or cells that have complete set of chromosomes. Diploid individuals humans have 2 sets of chromosomes normally. If an individual lacks entire set of chromosomes. If one entire set is missing, monoploidy results. polyploidy occurs in an individual that has more than normal number set of chromosomes: triploid 3 sets, tetraploid 4 sets, notation is n, these are all euploidy. Aneuploidy refers to changes in part of chromosome set, not entire set. In other words, loss or gain of one or more chromosomes. monosomy when one specific chromosome is missing. Trisomy causes down"s syndrome: gain one extra chromosome.