HMB265H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture. My laptop battery ran out around ten minutes before lecture ended, so the notes are incomplete. Apologies.
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HMB265H1 Full Course Notes
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4 major classes of chromosomal rearrangements deletions, duplications, inversions, translocations. Most are caused by double-stranded dna breakers causing these chromosomal rearrangements. deletions = specific segment of chromosome is broken in two separate locations, this piece leaves. duplication = segment of dna duplicated and inserted in another area. Inversion = piece of chromosome that is broken, excised, inverted 180 degrees, and reinserted. Translocation = piece of chromosome has shifted to another position: salivary gland chromosomes. locations of bands are same from animal to animal unless there are chromosomal rearrangements: banding patterns have been mapped. x-r a y s a r e m aj o r c a u s e. multi g e nic w h e n m a n y g e n e s a r e d el e t e d.