PHL100Y1 Lecture : First few lecs on Plato
Document Summary
bob miller book room (180 bloor street w. ) not about ethics but about human life and flourishing-aristotle. comparing views on the same subject-third paper. Thieves- stealing time that they spend here from themselves. Looks at the course as a game to be won. Brokers- self-conscience about what they are up to. Intellectual masturbation, arguing about the nature of knowledge, reality , and value. Anybody can argue anything if there cleaver enough. One of philosophies central concerns in distinguishing true philosophers from false ones. The oracle at delphi is inscribed know thyself" put yourself in question. Drawing distinctions and defending them, relating class and instance, joining specific to general. The way it gets closer to knowledge and wisdom. Basic principles: irony - distance or gap- there is some gap between what it says and what is meant. Socrates would appear to prefence something to advance a discussion: doctrina ignorantia- socrates would pretend not to know anything.