POL101Y1 Lecture : lec 9

38 views2 pages
13 Dec 2010

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Exam: mc(cove everything)+essay(cover lec 8, lec 9, and lec 10) Hungary decides not to be a part of soviet union anymore. The test is the american are not willing to start ww3. there are great issues in united state at that time. Berlin is divided by soviet union and u. s, u. k. wall, to prevent east germany to escape. us monopoly 1945-1949, only us has nuclear weapons. us superiority 1949-1968: mutually assured destruction (mad). parity 1968-1991, they are standing against each other. Korean war, vietnam war, all these wars are include us and su. If it"s too scary about nuclear war, both sides don"t want to do it. security dilemma: the world is anarchic, no overarching authority. you must help yourself, no one is going to save you, each states relates to itself, each state must rely on itself- it is a hobbbesian world. hobbes, leviathan: this war of every man against every .

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