POL101Y1 Lecture : Cold War Realism
Document Summary
End of wwii division of europe hungary 1956. However, america decided not to get involved in the conflict when the ussr invaded hungary. This was the last opportunity for us to defeat the uusr militarily. During wwii, berlin was occupied by both the allied powers and the ussr. The border dividing west and east berlin was open until 1962. The border was closed to prevent people from east berlin from going to west berlin possibly taking a plane to west germany. Nuclear weapons weapons of a new kind. Normally weapons were made to be used in wars. Nuclear weapons were too powerful to be used like other weapons. Nuclear weapons were meant to be used only when the enemy has launched their nuclear weapons or if the country is almost completely overrun as a last resort. Us monopoly on nuclear weapons 1945 1949. Key to winning a nuclear war is not first strike but second strike.